Inter-"Space" Commerce from Phantom Space

In the last decade, the number of commercial rocket companies has skyrocketed (get the pun). Every day, we hear something new about a commercial rocket company, whether it is a new technology or a record-breaking launch. Nevertheless, all these rocket companies are doing interesting things: they are able to commercialize space and may even be able to make it available to typical consumers. One of those companies is Phantom Space, which announced today, on April 14, its plans to launch an orbital mission in early 2023.

Render of Phantom Space's
Daytona Rocket Launching

Phantom Space is an Arizona-based rocket company whose main goal is to create the next generation of space transportation to make space commerce the next way of transporting goods. Phantom Space has announced plans for some revolutionary technology that will safely transport assets into space and bring them back to Earth safely. To do this, Phantom Space is developing a multitude of rockets and satellites.

Daytona Rocket
Phantom Space is currently working on two rockets: the Daytona Rocket and the Laguna Rocket. The Daytona Rocket is a two-stage rocket that is scheduled for its first launch in 2023. The Daytona Rocket is being made to reliably transport satellites and other space cargo into Earth’s orbit and beyond. The launch cost is projected to be $4 million dollars per launch. Part of the reason why these costs are so cheap is that Phantom Space is using mass manufacturing techniques. The Daytona Rocket will be 61 feet high, have a diameter of 4 feet, and a mass of 30,000 lb. There are 4 main components to the Daytona Rocket: the payload, the first stage, the second stage, and the engine. The Daytona Rocket has a max payload weight of 450 kg to LEO and 160 kg to GTO. As mentioned before, the Daytona Rocket will be a two-stage rocket: the first stage will use 7 Hadley engines and is powered by LOX and RP-1. The second stage is the final step into reaching orbit. It will use a single Hadley engine to travel through space. Finally, there are the Hadley engines. They are being developed by Ursa Major and are 3D printed rocket engines. 3D printing rocket parts were first popularized by Relativity Space. They will use LOX and RP-1 as fuel. The Hadley engine approximately has a vacuum thrust of 6000 lbf.

Laguna Rocket
The second rocket that Phantom Space is working on is the Laguna Rocket. The Laguna Rocket will be Phantom Space’s first reusable rocket and its first launch is scheduled for 2024. The Laguna Rocket will be a two-stage rocket that will cost $8 million per launch. It is larger than the Daytona Rocket, with a height of 67 feet, a diameter of 7 feet, and a mass of 80,000 lb. The Laguna Rocket will also be able to fly to the moon due to its more powerful engines. For its engine, the Laguna Rocket will be using a Ripley engine that has a sea-level thrust of 35,000 lbf and will be powered by LOX and RP-1. The Laguna Rocket has the same main components as the Daytona Rocket. The Laguna Rocket’s Payload had a max payload weight of 1200 kg to LEO, 425 kg to GTO, and 200 kg to the Moon. The payload will be able to support small satellites like CubeSats and large satellites like ESPA class satellites. In the Laguna Rocket’s first stage, it will use 3 Ripley engines and will use hydraulic landing legs to land back on Earth and be reused. The second stage will use a Hadley engine and will be similar to the second stage of the Daytona rocket.

Phantom Space is also developing satellites for other companies and to aid in space missions. Phantom Space will work on anything from a CubeSat to satellite constellations. Currently, Phantom Space has developed 46 satellites and is currently working on 3 satellite programs. Phantom Space will develop satellites that range in a mass of 1 kg to 1200 kg. All of these satellites will contain power systems, propulsion systems, communication systems, and dedicated orbits.

Blueprint of Phantom Satellite
Phantom Space is entering a very competitive industry. With multiple different companies trying to do similar things, the commercialization of space is becoming bigger and bigger. However, to win this race, companies need to stand out and be a well-recognized name like SpaceX or Blue Origin. However, it is possible for companies to do this. The second space race has officially begun.


“Satellite Build and Launch.” Phantom Space, 

“Satellite Build and Launch.” Phantom Space, 

“Satellite Build and Launch.” Phantom Space, 

“Satellite Build and Launch.” Phantom Space, 

Wall, Mike. “Startup Phantom Space Aims to Launch 1st Orbital Mission in 2023.”, Space, 14 Apr. 2021, 


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