Can These Water Bears "Bear" Space?

Indestructible things are things that cannot be destroyed and the first things that come to mind are some metals and superman. But metal can be changed using multiple techniques and Superman loses to a green crystal. But there is something that is truly indestructible, the tardigrade. Tardigrades are microscopic water-dwelling creatures that are known for being indestructible. Also known as water bears, they can survive the harshest of climates, survive in the most extreme cases, and so far, everything that scientists have thrown at them. They inhabit every environment such as the deep sea, volcanoes, and the Arctic. But scientists want to see if they can survive one of the harshest environments ever: space.

Tardigrade on Cell Science-04

Space has some of the most dangerous conditions known to man. The human body can only briefly survive the harsh vacuum of space. This is due to thermal radiation and the evaporation of liquids in the human body. The temperature in space is very extreme. Temperatures can be as high as 250℉ (121℃) and be as low as -387℉ (-233℃). The vacuum of space also creates zero pressure. This causes gases in the body to expand. For more info, check out this article that I wrote. 

Configuration of ISS for SpaceX Dragon 22nd resupply mission
On June 3, a batch of 5000 tardigrades was sent on the SpaceX Dragon 22nd resupply mission as a part of the Cell Science-04 experiment. The experiment will have the tardigrades stay on the ISS for four generations and scientists will see how they will change their DNA over time. However, this isn’t the first time that tardigrades were sent into space. Back in 2007, the ESA sent a batch of tardigrades on the uncrewed FOTON-M3 spacecraft, where they spent 12 days in space. Most of the colonies of tardigrades survived the exposure to cosmic rays and the dangerous vacuum of space. Some of the tardigrades were able to evolve and were able to overcome massive amounts of UV radiation. Scientists are hoping to learn how the tardigrades will withstand microgravity and how they will adapt around it. Also, as a part of the experiment, NASA sent 100 squids to see how space alters symbiotic relationships. Though these experiments may seem minuscule right now, they may be the key to helping us understand the changes that can happen to humans in space.
Bobtail Squids Sent on Cell Science-04


Guzman, Ana. “SpaceX's 22nd Commercial Resupply Mission to Space Station.” NASA, NASA, 20 May 2021, 

Howell, Elizabeth. “These Tiny Indestructible Tardigrades Will Reveal How to Survive in Extremes of Space.”, Space, 25 June 2021, 

Pradhan, Arnav. Spacesuits = Mini Spacecraft, Blogger, 25 Feb. 2021, 


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