Night Sky Events in 2022

2022 marks a new year, so HAPPY NEW YEAR! Here are some night sky events to look out for this year.

  1. The Venus Show (Mid-February to Mid-March)

During this time, Venus will be observable every day and be at its brightest on February 13th. It can be observed with small telescopes.

  1. Mars Neighbors Saturn (April 5th)

On April 5th, we will be greeted with tight conjunction as Mars will slip less than 0.4 degrees below Saturn. If you look 7 degrees to the left, you might see Venus as well. The only drawback is you will have to wake up at 5:30 a.m. PST.

  1. Naked-Eye Comet (Late April to Early May)

Comet C/2021 O3 will pass within 26.6 million miles of the sun on April 21st and might be bright enough to view with bae eyes. It will be most visible in the west-northwest sky shortly after sunset in the spring evening sky.

  1. Celestial Object Galore (April 27th - 30th)

On April 27th, observers will be able to see the waning crescent moon, below Jupiter and  Venus, which will be separated by three degrees. On April 30th, there will be a “double planet” with Jupiter and Venus separated by 0.5 degrees.

  1. Total Eclipse of Moon (May 15th - 16th)

The Moon will be able to be seen along the Pacific coast and part of Central Canada. It will have a red color and look a little “magnified”. The totality of the eclipse will last one hour and 24 minutes.

  1. Alignment of Five Planets (Mid to Late June)

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will all appear to be in a straight line. This should be observable through the naked eye.

  1. Biggest Full Moon of 2022 (July 13th)

Nothing much here. Just a large moon.

  1. Perihelic Opposition of Jupiter (September 26th) 

Jupiter will make its closest approach to Earth since October of 1963 at a distance of 367.4 million miles away. It will appear very large and bright.

  1. Total Eclipse of Moon (November 8th)

That is right, there are two this year. This second one will be seen by the Pacific Coast, Hawaii, Asia, Australia, Indonesia, and New Zealand. It will last one hour and 25 minutes.

  1. M&Ms in the Sky (December 7th - 8th)

On December 7th, the full moon will appear to pass close to Mars for parts of North America.

published, Joe Rao. “The Best Night Sky Events to See in 2022.” Space.Com, 1 Jan. 2022,


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